This project is a bit different from my others. I hate calling it a passion project because it seems like I came up with it to put it in my portfolio, which I didn’t. But people suggested I put it here so here is my shameful plug about being creative outside of advertising. This is one example.

How do you make a surfboard?
You start with a large block of foam. Slowly, using tools like a saw and electric planer, you cut foam away to get the board the shape you want. After cutting, measuring, sanding and measuring again you are ready to glass. This involves routing slots for the fin boxes, mixing resin, cutting the fiber glass cloth and finally sanding it all down to finish. Yes it is messy and time intensive all just to get something that floats on water.

Sometimes I paint them, this one has flames.

I do this process 100% by hand. It’s for fun. I make them for myself and friends, not selling them. Again, it’s for fun.